Saturday, July 6, 2013

Build a Bench or Stairs out of Stones and Rocks

Stone Rock Bench

Creating your very own bench or stairs out of rocks and stones can transform an ordinary landscape into a high end / custom landscape in just a weekend!

There really isn’t much to building a stone bench, you simply have to choose the type of stones you would like to use. Most people use chopped and tumbled stones combined with a large flagstone for the actual bench seat. You begin stacking stones until the bench takes shape. If you are worried about stability, you can apply some adhesive between the stones to give it more stability.

Building the states takes a bit more work since you will need to measure the height and calculate your run and rise. Measure how high your stairs need to be and how deep you want the steps. Choose rocks and stones that can be used to achieve those measurements. The first photo shown gives you a good idea on how it should look.

You will be required to dig out your stair path and even add in additional dirt and pack it down so you have a solid foundation. Making sure your foundation is solid before laying your stones is the most important factor with creating a stone stairway.

Stone Bench

Stone Bench

Build a Bench or Stairs out of Stones and Rocks

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